Thank you everyone for your nice comments and likes about our ”Flicka´s” debut in the showring (Prefix Flicka I Frack).

Chinese Cresteds & Min Smooth Dachshunds
Thank you everyone for your nice comments and likes about our ”Flicka´s” debut in the showring (Prefix Flicka I Frack).
”Flicka” Prefix Flicka I Frack (by Multi Ch WW-08 GB Ch Prefix Singapore Sling) first time out in junior class (9 months old on the day), after a fantastic puppy career with several BOB, Puppy group and Best Puppy in Show, she won the class and ended up Best Bitch 2 with her first CAC, thank you to judge Birgitta Svarstad. Swedish Kennel Club show in Ronneby July 6.
Multi Ch Prefix Really Something (11 years old now).
Ceramic (and real dog) by mum, Gunilla Agronius and felted Cleo by Elena Zavalishina.
Vänersborg Int 8/6 Prefix Flicka I Frack BOB valp domare Bengt-Åke Bogren och uttagen i gruppen BIS valp domare Svante Frisk. Stort tack för Flickas underbara kritik ”Fantastisk tikvalp. Härligt mkt välskuret huvud. Pigment på G. Tillräcklig kropp för åldern. Mkt välvinklad. Rör sig med härligt kinessteg. Stabila öron. Vacker välvårdad päls. En primadonna. Lycka till”
Vänersborg Int Prefix Flicka I Frack BOB Puppy (judge Bengt Åke Bogren) and short listed in Puppy BIS (judge Svante Frisk). Thank you for Flicka’s wonderful critique: ”Fantstic puppy bitch. Wonderful very well chiseled head. Pigmentation coming. Enough body for age. Very well angulated. Moves with a wonderful crested gait. Stable ears. Beautiful well groomed coat. A primadonna! Good luck.”
May we introduce our latest International Swedish and Danish Champion Prefix Chelsea Chick ”Kit” who today (2014-06-08) gained her final Cacib and CAC and went on to win Best of Breed under breed specialist Bengt Åke Bogren at Vänersborg Int, thank you very much for thinking so highly of her! This means that she beats her much more shown sister Swe Dan Ch Prefix Fair Play On Broadway to the international title! I am very proud of Kit-Kat!
Bath 23/5 A great day for Prefix Flicka I Frack she made a success at the show, ”everyone” fell in love with her. She was BOB puppy (21 entries) judge Mr Mark Burns. So qualified for Crufts.
Prefix Flicka I Frack BOB puppy Hässleholm 18/5 we didn´t wait for the finals due to the heavy rain, Flicka didn´t mind but I DID. Now we are getting ready for our trip to England, so much looking forward to it and Flicka is coming along, Bath next Friday, is the show we have entered to. Flicka (6months in pic).
Prefix Flicka I Frack waiting for the big ring after being BOB puppy inBjuv open show 3/5 (judge Viktoria Möller). She was BIS thanks to Viktoria Möller, Nina Jonzon och Eddie Nilsson for a great day
Prefix Flicka I Frack BOB puppy Västerås 27/4 domare Agnetha Kappers
Hässleholm 22-23/2 2014, Puppyshow (4-12months) all breeds with almost 700 puppies. Prefix Flicka I Frack, 4½ months, (Multi Ch Multi W Prefix Singapore Sling x Moonswift Fragrant Orchid) goes Best Of Breed and Best In Group AND BEST IN SHOW 3, judge Marie Callert. Thanks for all cheers.
MyDog 5/1 2014, judge Nina Karlsdotter:
Int GB Nord Be Lux CH WW-08 VWW-13 9½ years old Prefix Singapore Sling Best of Breed and shortlisted in the group.
Swe Norw Ch Prefix Fair Play On Broadway BB2.
Kennel Prefix Best Breeders Group.
My Dog 6/1, judge Anki Johansson:
BOB was, Prefix Hold Your Horse’s great grandson and the son of Nord Ch Prefix X-mas Gift, Ch Yamboliz Evert Taube. Hold Your Horses grandsons JWW-13 Prefix Hemingway won his second CAC BD 2 and Prefix Shakespeare Res CAC and BD3. Hold Your Horses granddaughter Prefix Fair Play On Broadway was BOS.
P. Singapore Sling’s great granddaughter Koynaur’s Watch Me Walk won CAC and Singapore Sling’s daughter Krysolit Faithful Forever won the Res CAC both days. Int Ch Prefix Mary Queen Of Scots BB3. The happiest dog in the whole show Int Ch Prefix Upstairs Maid, first time out as a veteran, and did she enjoy her days!!! with Håkan at the other end of the lead. Kennel Prefix Best Breeders group.
A glorious day at Öland dog show where Se Dk Ch Prefix Fair Play On Broadway won best of breed and group 4. Her litter sister Prefix Chelsea Chick won her second Swedish CAC and junior boy Prefix Shakespeare went best male with CAC from junior class. Breed and group judge was Britta Roos Börjeson, thank you so much for thinking so highly of our dogs.
After a looong drive back (as you can tell from Rebecca’s face :)) from the UK we landed at Norrköping INT. Svante Frisk was judging the cresteds and Swe Dan Ch Prefix Fair Play On Broadway showed no effect of the long journey and went all the way to BOB!!! BOS Sunstreaker Fireworks.
6/8 Paignton, judge Jane Lilley
2 limit dog Prefix Hemingway
Res OD Chinese Line’s Californication
RBCC Prefix Fair Play On Broadway
1 limit bitch PRefix Celsea Chick
12/8 Bournemouth, judge Tom Isherwood
RDCC Prefix Hemingway
2 OD Chinese Line’s Californication
RBCC Prefix The Name Of The Game
3 OB Prefix Fair Play On Broadway
16/8 Welsh Kennel Club, judge Rony Doedijns
Res OD Chinese Line’s Californication
RBCC Prefix Fair Play On Broadway
3 LB Prefix Chelsea Chick
Our first stop on our crazy show tour to the UK was at Bremen INT. Prefix Chelsea Chick won Best of Breed and her third CACIB (her second German CAC)! Judge was Leif Ragnar Hjort from Norway who had a an entry of 34 dogs. As we had a ferry booked to England at midnight we could unfortunatley not stay for the group finals.
After spending whole night before the show listening to the rain hitting the van roof it was with some hesitation we made our way into the show ground in Borås. By the afternoon the skies had brightened and so had our mood. Best of breed and selected in the group was ”Grace”, Swe Dk Ch Prefix Fair Play On Broadway. Multi Ch Prefix Trafalgar was 2nd Best Veteran in Show, owned by Annica and shown by Anna. Breed judge Bradley Jenkins, group judge Andrew Brace, veteran judge Tom Mather. BOS Swe Ch Neddies Adorable Alram. Photo Neddies.
A great day was had by us yesterday at Norrköping. Prefix Chelsea Chick ”Kit” was 3rd best bitch with her first Swedish CAC! Her sister, Ch Prefix Fair Play On Broadway, was one better with 2nd best bitch. Prefix Shakespeare was 3 best male just one placing ahead of Ch Prefix Singapore Sling who also was 3rd Best Veteran in Show! And to finish it all off: Kennel Prefix was Best In Show Breeders group! Thank you to breed judge Dan Eriksson, Veteran judge Tino Pehar and Breeders group judge Barbara Wood (who, by the way, in 2005 awarded Ch Prefix Really Something her first major for her American title and a few years later, her final point! In the breeders group we had ”Cleo’s” daughters Prefix Chelsea Chick and P. Fair Play On Broadway as well as P. Shakespeare and P. Singapore Sling).
En kanondag i Hässleholm! Ch Prefix Abraham Lincoln BIM (tack Jörgen för din suveräna handlerhjälp!), Ch Prefix Fair Play On Broadway BIR, hennes mor Ch Prefix Really Something 4 bästa tik och BIR-Veteran, Prefix Chelsea Chick res-Cert (återigen tack Jörgen för handlerhjälp) och till slut BIR-Uppfödargrupp. Stort tack till domare Arne Foss, som alltid, en mycket trevlig domare som gav alla hundar en grundlig men effektiv genomgång i det hällande regnet.
Då vi alla såg ut som dränkta katter blev det tyvärr ingen bild idag.
On her first show after turning two years old ”Grace” Prefix Fair Play On Broadway won the qualifying CAC for her Swedish and Danish champion titles (judge Birgitta Svarstad)!
To brag a little , she has won; 7 Swedish CACs, 2 Danish CACs, 7 CACIBs, 5 BOBs, 1 CC (at the club show in England), 4 RCCs (one at Crufts 2013). I am over the moon with my precious girl’s achievements!
Team Prefix at Crufts. Ch Prefix Mary Queen Of Scots, Prefix Chelsea Chick (3rd in limit class), Prefix Fair Play On Broadway (2nd in open & RCC), Ch Prefix Trafalgar (4th in open class), Ch Prefix Abraham Lincoln (2nd in open & RCC). Judge Liza McKenzie Chinois’ Cresteds.
Vilken start på året! Bäst i rasen på torsdagen på MyDog, Prefix Fair Play On Broadway. Vår domare Veli-Pekka Kumpumäki, bland många andra saker, uppskattade Graces härligt långa huvud och vackra uttryck. Detta var Graces 9:de Cert och 7:e CACIB! Grattis till Bitte Österberg för BIM med Yamboliz Evert Taube.
What a start of the year! Best of Breed on Thursday at MyDog, Prefix Fair Play On Broadway. Our judge Veli-Pekka Kumpumäki, among other things, appreciated her lovely long head and beautiful expression. This was Grace’s 9th CAC and 7th CACIB! Well done to Bitte Österberg to BOS with Yamboliz Evert Taube.
8 hundar på bilden, 1 gömmer sig! 7 Internationella Champions, 5 Engelska Ch, 3 USA Ch, 3 BIR Crufts, 2 BIM Crufts, 4 Worldwinner, 2 CC winners England.
8 dogs in the photo, one is hiding! 7 international champions, 5 UK ch, 3 US ch, 3 Crufts BOB, 2 Crufts BOS, 4 World Winners, 2 CC winners UK.
Året avslutades med att Peppe (Int Swe Dk GB Ch SW-11-12 ÅRETS KINES 2011 Prefix Abraham Lincoln) blev BIM och SV-2012 på Stockholms Hundmässa och blev därmed:
The year ended with ’Peppe’ (Int Swe Dk GB Ch SW-11-12 Crested of the year 2011 Prefix Abraham Lincoln) was BIS and Swedish Winner at Stockholm Dog Show and thereby becoming:
Rebecca tog med sig Grace (NordJW-11 Prefix Fair Play On Broadway) och åkte till England där hon tog CC och BIS 2 på Specialen. Dessutom vann hon ytterligare 3 RCC. Hemma har hon samlat på sig 8 cert och 6 CACIB. På Stockholms Hundmässa blev hon BT-4 och slutade året som: ÅRETS NAKNA TIK • ÅRETS KINES 4.
Rebecca took ’Grace’ with her to the UK where she has won CC and RBIS at the club show and further 3 RCCs. At home she has won 8 CACs (2 in Denmark) and 6 CACIBs (2 in Denmark). At Stockholm Dog Show she was placed 4th best bitch and finished the year as: HAIRLESS BITCH OF THE YEAR • No 4 TOP CRESTED.
Viggos (Int Nord Swe DK No Ch KBHV-10 RostockW-12 Prefix Rob Roy Of Scots) utställningssäsong började först i slutet av maj på grund av Gunillas rehabilitering efter operation och vann då BIR. Sedan hade vi otur då vädret var katastrof hela sommaren vilket Viggo avskyr, hans far bryr sig däremot inte. Trots det lyckades han ta sitt norska och internationella championat (båda inomhus). På Stockholms Hundmässa blev han BH-2 efter sin far, med fem resultat tog han sig fram till: ÅRETS KINES 12.
’Viggo’s’ (Int Nord Swe DK No Ch KBHV-10 RostockW-12 Prefix Rob Roy Of Scots) show season started late this year, due to Gunilla recovering from knee surgery, by winning BOB. After that we had such bad luck with the weather. Viggo hates cold summers (which his father doesn’t mind). Despite the bad weather he won his international and Norwegian champion titles (both at indoor shows). At Stockholm Dog Show he was 2nd best male and ended the year as No 12 TOP CRESTED with only 5 shows.
Viggos syster Mary (Int Swe Fin VDH De Lux Ch Prefix Mary Queen Of Scots) blev under året VDH och tysk champion och avslutade året med BT-2 på Stockholms Hundmässa och blev: ÅRETS KINES 8.
Viggo’s sister ’Mary’ (Int Swe Fin VDH De Lux Ch Prefix Mary Queen Of Scots) won during the year her VDH and German champion titles and ended the year by winning 2nd best bitch at Stockholm Dog Show and was: No 8 CRESTED OF THE YEAR.
Detta blev året då Inka (Int Nord Swe Dk No Lux DKKL DE VDHV Ch VWW-10 DKRV-02 NV-06 SV-08 KBHV-09 VV-11 ÅRETS KINES 2010, 30xBIR, 23xBIM, 60xBIR-Vet, 5xBIS, 9xBISVet Prefix Hot Gossip) tackar för sig och lämnar utställningsringen. Hon har haft en fantastisk karriär och varit en verklig ambassadör för rasen och framförallt powderpuffen.
Vi tackar varmt Gunilla och Inka för nästan 12 härliga år! Gunilla har alltid presenterat Inka i en perfekt skött, underbar päls. Många är det, både domare och utställare, som beundrat hennes förmåga att presentera perfekta pälsar.
2012 was the year ’Inka’ (Int Nord Swe Dk No Lux DKKL DE VDHV Ch VWW-10 DKRV-02 NV-06 SV-08 KBHV-09 VV-11 ÅRETS KINES 2010, 30 x BIR, 23 x BIM, 60 x BIR Vet, 5 x BIS, 9 x BIS Vet Prefix Hot Gossip) said good bye to the show ring. She has had a magnificent show carreer and been a wonderful ambassador for the breed in large and the powder puff in specific.
Our warmest thanks to Gunilla and Inka for almost 12 wonderful years! Gunilla has always presented Inka in perfect condition and wonderful coat. Judges and exhibitors alike have admired her talent for perfect coats.
P. Abraham Lincoln, P Rob Roy Of Scots, P. Fair Play On Broadway, P. Mary Queen Of Scots och P. Hot Gossip, dessa fem hundar gjorde oss till ÅRETS UPPFÖDARE som vi haft glädjen att bli i 14 år!
P. Abraham Lincoln, P Rob Roy Of Scots, P. Fair Play On Broadway, P. Mary Queen Of Scots and P. Hot Gossip have contributed to making Kennel Prefix TOP BREEDER OF THE YEAR, our 14th year winning this honourable title.
Två underbara valpar såg dagens ljus, P. Hemingway och P. Shakespeare. Klicka här för stamtavlan.
Shakespeare stannar i kenneln och han hann bli 2 x BIR-valp och BIG 2012.
Two wonderful puppies were born, P. Hemingway and P. Shakespeare. Click here for the pedigree.
Shakespeare will stay here at the kennel and has so far won 2 x BOB puppy and won the puppy Group.
I februari tog vi farväl av vår Malinois Alfie, drygt 12 år gammal. Hon var en hund som verkligen älskade livet. Vi har gjort en stor förlust.
In February we said good bye to our wonderful Malinois Alfie. She was 12,5 years old. A dog that truly loved life. She is a great loss to us!
A great day for Prefix at Rostock International under judge Christine Rossier.
Prefix Chelsea Chick won Best of Breed with her first CAC and her CACIB!
2:nd best bitch with CAC was Ch Prefix Mary Queen Of Scots and 3:rd best bitch was Ch Prefix Upstairs Maid (half-sister to Chelsea Chick).
Best male and Best Opposite Sex was Ch Prefix Rob Roy Of Scots.
What an incredible weekend for Grace (Prefix Fair Play On Broadway)! First 2nd best bitch with CAC yesterday under Bengt Åke Bogren at Ronneby. And today BEST OF BREED with CAC and Cacib under Per Svarstad at Askersund. Thank you so much everyone for all your congratulations! Also well done to auntie Inka (Prefix Hot Gossip) for going Best of breed yesterday. BOS today was Tailswing Always On My Mind, well done to Pia Mäkiperä!
Vi välkomnar ny rasdomare, Svante Frisk. Hans första domaruppdrag var i Köping 21 juli. 73 anmälda och BIR Int Uk Ch Prefix Abraham Lincoln. BIM Ch Neddies Amzing Amie (efter Sun-Hee’s Best Of The Best undan Us Ch Prefix The Name Of The Game). Prefix Fair Play On Broadway 4:a bästa tik.
We welcome new chinese crested judge Svante Frisk. His first appointment was Köping (Kennelclub) 21/7, 73 entries. BOB Int UK Ch Prefix Abraham Lincoln. BOS Ch Neddies Amazing Amie (Sun-Hee´s Best Of The Best x US Ch Prefix The Name Of The Game). Prefix Fair Play On Broadway 4th best bitch.
Nord Jun W-11 Prefix Fair Play On Broadway har haft en makalös månad så långt i juli:
BIR på Borås Int 1/7 för domare Michael Shoreman, BIM/BOS Ch Maldinis JP Gauthier.
Grace femte cert (2 svenska, 2 danska och 1 engelskt cert) och tredje CACIB.
Borås international under judge Michael Shoreman BOB. BOS Ch Maldinis JP Gauthier.
Grace’s fifth CAC (2 Swedish CACs, 2 Danish CACs and 1 UK CC) and her third CACIB.
Tvååker för raspecialisten Lee Cox (Vanitonia Chinese Cresteds) vann Grace sitt andra svenska BIR med cert och CACIB. Pappa Int S Dk GB CH SW-11 Prefix Abraham Lincoln blev BIM.
Tvååker international under breed specialist Lee Cox (Vanitonia Chinese Cresteds) Grace won her second Swedish BOB with CAC and CACIB. Her dad Int S Dk GB CH SW-11 Prefix Abraham Lincoln was BOS.
Grace underbara kritik / Grace’s wonderful critique:
Den 3/7 födde Gudrun (Int MultiCh PREFIX SWEDE SMELL OF SUCCESS sin sista kull som blev två superfina nakna pojkar. Pappa är Krysolit Forever Young, mer info på valpar.
Gudrun ( Int MultiCh PREFIX SWEDE SMELL OF SUCCESS ) gave birth to her last litter on third of July, two hairless boys, looking very nice.
P.g.a. Gunillas knäoperation har inget varit sig riktigt likt under året och därför blev årskrönikan mycket summarisk och mycket försenad. Senaste nytt blir ett sammandrag av årets första 6 månader.
Because of Gunilla’s knee operation nothing has been as usual this year. That´s why the summary of the year 2011 was cut short and delayed. Latest news will be a short summary of the first six months of the year.
Int S Fin Lux Ch PREFIX MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS blev 2 x BT4 på My Dog utställningarna 7-8/1-12, domare Hans van den Berg resp Andrew Brace. Igen BT4 i Malmö 17/3 för Harry Vella. I Luxemburg blev det storslam och hon blev Luxemburg Champion och dessutom tog hon CACIB och blev därmed Internationell Champion domare var N. Jovanoviz. I Lidköping 6/5 för di Lorenzo blev hon BIR, utan att veta hennes namn skrev i kritiken…”really a little queen of the ring.”! I Vallentuna 26/5 blev det en BT3 för Martha Heine. Ägare är förstås Eva Sjöberg och Håkan Johansson.
’Mary’ gained her International and Luxemburg Champion titles. Going BOB under judge di Lorenzo who wrote in the critique, without knowing her name ”really a little queen of the ring.”!
S Dk Ch Kbhv-10 PREFIX ROB ROY OF SCOTS blev BIR (BOB) i Vallentuna med CACIB och BIM (BOS) med CACIB i Österbybruk 26 och 27/5 för Martha Heine resp Sara Nordin. Han blev 2 x BH4 i Norrköping och Avesta i ett uruselt väder.
Int S Dk GB Ch SV-11 PREFIX ABRAHAM LINCOLN blev BIR (BOB) i Malmö 17/3 för Harry Vella.
Int multi Ch PREFIX HOT GOSSIP blev BIM (BOS) på MyDog 7/1 för Hans van den Berg, ägare Gunilla Skafar.
S N US DK Nordic Ch PREFIX THE NAME OF THE GAME BT4 i Vallentuna 26/5 Martha Heine BT3 Österbybruk 27/5 Sara Nordin. På Bornholm tog hon Cert (CAC) och blev därmed NORDISK Champion, ägare Kennel Neddies.
NordJW-11 PREFIX FAIR PLAY ON BROADWAY var på besök med matte Rebecca i England och ställdes ut 4 ggr. Hon vann CC på Chinese Crested Club show 6/5 med 180 hundar anmälda blev bästa tik och BIS2 domare var Ray Morland. Jennifer Gorwill gav henne RCC i Birmingham 11/5 och RCC för Tom Mather Scottish KC. 19/5. I Köpenhamn 16-17/6 blev hon BIR med CERT o CACIB domare Birte Scheel och andra dagen BIM med CERT o CACIB och titeln KBHV-12 domare Andreas Schemel.
NordJW-11 PREFIX FAIR PLAY ON BROADWAY went to England with Rebecca , she was entered at 4 shows and she won CC, Best Bitch and Res BIS at THE CHINESE CRESTED CLUB show 6/5 judge was Ray Morland. Jennifer Gorwill gave her RCC at Birmingham 11/5 and Tom Mather RCC SKC 19/5. In Copenhagen 16-17/5 first day she was BOB with CAC and CACIB judge Birte Scheel. Second day under judge Andreas Schemel won CAC, CACIB, BOS and the title Copenhagen Winner-12.
A photo from Friday’s show at Tvååker Int. Father and daughter going BOS/BOB under Lee Cox. Prefix Abraham Lincoln and Prefix Fair Play On Broadway. Thank you to Kristy Bello Herrera for helping to show Peppe in best of breed! I’m still on cloud nine. Denmark – Københavnvinner 2012
BOS Prefix Fair Play On Broadway and BOB Sun-Hee’s Rose N-Joy!! Thanks Camilla for the picture!!
Prefix Fair Play On Broadway won her first best of breed, first Danish CAC and her first CACIB at 18 months old under judge Birte Scheel at Ballerup Int ch show on Saturday. I’m very proud of my Grace! (The CAC is saved for her ch-title).
What a day! Prefix fair play on broadway (Grace) won the bitch CC at Chinese crested club of GB champ show under Ray Morland and reserve best in show after Habiba Shoulda been a cowboy. Prefix 8th UK CC winner! Now off to the pub to celebrate!
Int S Fin Lux Ch PREFIX MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS blev 2 x BT4 på My Dog utställningarna 7-8/1-12, domare Hans van den Berg resp Andrew Brace. Igen BT4 i Malmö 17/3 för Harry Vella. I Luxemburg blev det storslam och hon blev Luxemburg Champion och dessutom tog hon CACIB och blev därmed Internationell Champion domare var N. Jovanoviz. I Lidköping 6/5 för di Lorenzo blev hon BIR, utan att veta hennes namn skrev i kritiken…”really a little queen of the ring.”! I Vallentuna 26/5 blev det en BT3 för Martha Heine. Ägare är förstås Eva Sjöberg och Håkan Johansson.
A Crufts qualified Grace after winning junior class at Nordic winner show earlier today. Wonder if she’ll be awake by Crufts time???
Prefix Fair Play On Broadway making her debut in junior class and winning CAC!!!! Her dad took Best of Breed and mum best veteran! Judge Laurent Pichard.
Grace going BOB Junior and best junior in group 9 under breed specialist Tom Isherwood at the local puppy and junior show. Jörgen Nilsson did a good job with Kit, just needs a little bit more practice…
SE Ch PREFIX MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS. CERT Championat BIM SDHK Eket 10/9 och Sofiero SKK dagen efter första gång från championklass: BIR. STORT STORT GRATTIS. 10 cert hann Mary vinna innan hon blev champion 2 år och 12 dagar gammal! Tre fina nytagna kort på Mary.
New Swedish Champion PREFIX MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS. 10 CAC until she got her title at 2yrs and 12days. She is the second Champion in his first litter sired by PREFIX ABRAHAM LINCOLN.